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Our Mission:
10,000 innovations in 10 years


Customers: 5
Team: 4


Customers: 100
Team: 10


Customers: 200
Team: 20


Customers: 300+
Team: 26


Customers: 1000+
Team: 150+

Our History

Launch of Findest

First customers used the scouting service on a 'pay-what-you-want' basis.

Building IGORAI

The scouting service scaled up, and IGOR was developed into a more advanced version.

International Expansion

Achieved market leadership in the Netherlands. Expanded across EU.

Advanced IGORAI for tech scouting finished

Findest adapted to R&D teams working remotely, and launched an advanced version of IGORAI.

Record Growth

Technology scouting became the core priority for R&D teams, rapidly increasing demand.

Software for R&D-engineers

Launched cloud-based software tailored to the needs of R&D engineers.

Advanced scoping services

Adding Innovation Structure Trees to the Findest service to enable strategic R&D decision-making

The best software enabled R&D intelligence service

After doing 2,500 projects in 7 years, Findest claims to be the best software-powered technology scouting service in the world.

The best service enabled R&D intelligence software

Giving all R&D professionals in the world the tools to productively manage their R&D intelligence on both daily and annual tasks.


Customers: 50
Team: 7


Customers: 150
Team: 12


Customers: 250
Team: 22


Customers: 400+
Team: 30

One Innovation to Enable Thousands

Since our inception in 2017, we've grown into a leading force in technological advancement within Europe. At the heart of our adventure lies a singular idea: to make one innovation leading to 10,000 more innovations by allowing R&D departments to work more effectively. These innovations span various fields, including chemistry, food science, semiconductors, and energy.

Our primary vehicle for driving this progress? IGOR^AI – our very own AI platform, which started as a groundbreaking university spin-off and has since undergone over 100,000 hours of development and training. The ongoing improvement has shaped IGOR^AI into the leading semantic search engine for technology scouting.

But Findest isn't just for finding technology. It's also a platform for knowledge sharing. The Universe is our latest innovation in the world of R&D productivity tools. The Universe by Findest is designed to streamline how R&D experts capture, structure, and reuse technical information, making it easier than ever to catalyze groundbreaking innovations. With The Universe, we're improving the way R&D departments operate, providing a seamless bridge between idea and implementation. Imagine the synergy of IGOR^AI’s capability with The Universe’s immersive environment—where knowledge is not just discovered but cultivated, shared and built up over time.

With 2,500 projects performed, Findestians can spot the innovations we've contributed just by looking out on the highway. Now, picture the scenario when not just thousands but hundreds of thousands tap into the potential of Findest technology. Each innovation enabled has the potential to reach millions, igniting wave upon wave of technological revolutions.

This ambition and drive have enabled us to make our mark within the technology and innovation in pursuit of business growth and in confronting global challenges — be it by pioneering alternative proteins, CO2 reduction and tacking pandemics.

In essence, partnering with Findest isn't just about finding technologies, and doing deskresearch more effectively; it's about empowering our customers to transform their ideas and challenges into tangible innovations.

Every technical challenge presents an opportunity for innovative growth, a chance to impact millions of lives and generate a ripple effect across industries. From chemistry to energy, food to semiconductors, we believe in the power of IGOR^AI — our single innovation leading to thousands more. This cascading effect is what we envision will profoundly influence industries, individuals, and the overall advancement of society.

We, the 'Findestians,' view our journey not merely as reaching a destination but as an ongoing adventure in innovation. By unlocking technological potentials, we fuel future advancements and transform world challenges into opportunities, one innovation at a time.   

Our door is always open!

At Findest, we appreciate fresh perspectives that arise from open dialogues and casual visits. If you happen to be in the vicinity, please note that our door is always open for a cup of coffee and a pleasant chat. You are welcome to drop by anytime.

Our HQ is located at:
Hekelveld 8-10
1012 SN, Amsterdam

Find the product that
suits your needs


Scouting Service

Outsource the search work
to the Findest technology

Advanced IGOR^AI 

Get complete control over the scope, search strategy, and share knowledge with colleagues and internal customers.

IGOR^AI Access

Continue searching after collaborating the the Findest technology scouts in the Service.